However, lately, I found their Essentielles Facial Cleansing wash to be effective, and I fell in love once again. Normally, I don't emphasize about my fascination with a certain product, but pardon me with my rants.
Anyway, this facial wash consists of Rose Gallica, which evidently protects and soothes skin, though I can't attest on that, but I can say that the most effective ingredient that stands above the others is Glycerin.
Glycerin is considered as a prevalent ingredient in any skin products but seems to be aplenty in this particular Facial cleansing wash. I'm not sure if this product works well if you have a dry skin, but it works wonderfully on combination skin. So if you have a combination skin like mine, you better try this product as it really delivers what it was stated in the package.
So did you ever try the Vichy products, I believe you should try it besides, it's really affordable for the price of $4.90.
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