I t looks like the populace want to take a glimpse of Karen Cunagin Sypher's photos, the woman whom Rick Pitino had a fling and acknowledged to have a consensual sex last August of 2003.
So now more inquiring minds wish to check a few of Karen Cunagin Sypher pictures perhaps some peepers want to equate them with those of Rick Pitino's wife Joanne and conclude who's more pleasing in appearance. Anyway nobody knows what prompted him to disrespect his union of 27 years to indulge in such promiscuous encounter.
But his act of promiscuousness has faded in contradiction to what was the result a while later. Rick Pitino, the University of Louisville basketball coach approached the authorities last April with a version that Karen Sypher was blackmailing him for $10 million to shut her mouth about the consensual liaison.
Along a series of demands that include Rick Pitino to fill the bill for her house, purchase Sypher 2 cars and bear her regular allowance expenses, all these just to hold Sypher's tongue and remained silence.
Anyway, Karen Sypher, 49, is confronted by a combined utmost maximum retribution of 7 years in jail and a $500,000 damages whenever she will be pronounced guilty for 2 charges - extortion from Rick Pitino and being deceitful to FBI.
So guys, don't play around if you don't want to undergo a sizable financial consequences for a one night stand sex encounter.
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